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Video Tutorial: Anatomy of an Equation: Quadratic Equations 1

Video Tutorial: Anatomy of an Equation: Quadratic Equations 1




This tutorial discusses solving quadratic equations in standard form with positive a, b, and c values. Key concepts include the quadratic formula, substitution, and identifying real roots. Vocabulary includes terms like quadratic formula, roots, and standard form. Applications demonstrate solving equations like 2x2 + 3x + 1 = 0 to find two real roots.

This video is directly related to the topic of Equations. It delves into the mathematical concepts underlying this topic, providing step-by-step explanations to enhance understanding. Specifically, the video illustrates how positive a, b, and c values. Key concepts include the quadratic formula, substitution, and identifying real roots. Vocabulary includes terms like quadratic formula, roots, and standard form. Applications demonstrate solving equations like 2x2 + 3x + 1 = 0 to find two real roots.

Teacher’s Script: Today we will learn about solving equations. In this video, we will explore key methods for solving equations, such as positive a, b, and c values. Key concepts include the quadratic formula, substitution, and identifying real roots. Vocabulary includes terms like quadratic formula, roots, and standard form. Applications demonstrate solving equations like 2x2 + 3x + 1 = 0 to find two real roots. Pay attention to how each step builds on the last to reach a solution.

For a complete collection of videos related to Equations click on this link: Anatomy of an Equation Collection.

Duration 1.5 minutes
Grade Range 9 - 12
Curriculum Nodes Algebra
    • Quadratic Functions and Equations
        • Quadratic Equations and Functions
Copyright Year 2020
Keywords anatomy of an equation, solving quadratic equations, quadratic formula, anatomy of a quadratic equation