Princeton Review

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Definition--Geometry Basics--Perpendicular Planes

Perpendicular Planes

Perpendicular Planes. Perpendicular planes intersect at right angles.


Geometry Basics


Planes that intersect at a right angle.


Perpendicular planes are planes that intersect at a right angle. This concept is important in three-dimensional geometry and has applications in fields such as architecture and engineering. Understanding perpendicular planes helps in visualizing and solving problems related to three-dimensional space and structures.

Perpendicular Planes
The plane of the ceiling is perpendicular to the plane of the wall.

For a complete collection of terms related to Geometry Basics click on this link: Geometry Basics Collection

Common Core Standards CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.K.G.A.3
Grade Range 8 - 11
Curriculum Nodes Geometry
    • Angles and Planes
        • Definition of a Plane
Copyright Year 2022
Keywords definition, geometry