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Closed Captioned Video: Ratios: Rates

Closed Captioned Video: Ratios: Rates

What Are Ratios?

A ratio is the relationship between two or more quantities among a group of items. Let's look at an example.

An example of the ratio of groups of coins.

Here is a collection of coins. The ratio of pennies to dimes can be expressed as a ratio, and a ratio can be written in three different, but equivalent ways.


When expressed as fractions, ratios can then be rewritten as fractions in simplest form.

An example of the ratio of groups of coins.

For some groupings, you can write a ratio that includes three terms.

An example of the ratio of groups of coins.

Ratios usually include similar types of objects. Here is a collection of different types of balls.

An example of the ratio of groups of balls.

Rates are a special type of ratio. Rates involve different types of quantities. Here is an example of a rate involving cost and weight. 

An example of a rate.

Video Tutorial: Ratios: Rates. In this video we look at rates.

This is part of a collection of closed captioned videos on the topic of Ratios and Proportions. To see the complete collection of the videos, click on this link.

Note: The download is Media4Math's guide to closed captioned videos.

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Video Transcripts

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Duration 4 minutes
Grade Range 6 - 10
Curriculum Nodes Algebra
    • Ratios, Proportions, and Percents
        • Ratios and Rates
Copyright Year 2020
Keywords ratios, rate of change, video tutorial, Closed Captioned Video