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Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Applications: Quadratic Functions, 1

Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Applications: Quadratic Functions, 1


Quadratic Functions


The video introduces quadratic functions using real-world examples, such as the trajectory of a football. Key math concepts include the standard form of a quadratic equation y=ax2 + bx + c, parabolic graphs, and vertex properties. Applications include modeling paths of objects.

This video is highly relevant to the topic of Quadratic Functions as it provides practical examples and applications of the concepts, making it easier for students to connect theory to practice.

Teacher's Script: "Students, in this video, we explore key aspects of Quadratic Functions. Pay close attention to how the video illustrates The video introduces quadratic functions using real-world examples, such as the trajectory of a football to deepen your understanding. As we watch, think about how these ideas connect to the problems we've been solving in class."

For a complete collection of videos related to Quadratic Functions click on this link: Algebra Applications: Quadratic Functions Collection.

Common Core Standards CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSF.IF.C.7.A
Duration 2.9 minutes
Grade Range 6 - 9
Curriculum Nodes Algebra
    • Quadratic Functions and Equations
        • Applications of Quadratic Functions
        • Graphs of Quadratic Functions
Copyright Year 2020
Keywords algebra, quadratic functions, applications of quadratic functions, Closed Captioned Video