These are the resources that support this NYS Standard.

NY-3.NBT.3: Multiply one-digit whole numbers by multiples of 10 in the range 10–90 (e.g., 9 × 80, 5 × 60) using strategies based on place value and properties of operations.

There are 31 resources.
Title Description Thumbnail Image Curriculum Topics

Video Tutorial: Place Value: Rounding Whole Numbers

Video Tutorial: Place Value: Rounding Whole Numbers

This is part of a collection of video tutorials on the topic of Place Value.

PlaceValueTitleScreen--6.jpg Place Value and Rounding

Worksheet: Multiplying Powers of 10, Worksheet 1

Worksheet: Multiplying Powers of 10, Worksheet 1

This is part of a collection of math worksheets on the topic of multiplying powers of 10.

WorksheetThumbnail.jpg Multiply Multi-Digit Numbers

Worksheet: Multiplying Powers of 10, Worksheet 2

Worksheet: Multiplying Powers of 10, Worksheet 2

This is part of a collection of math worksheets on the topic of multiplying powers of 10.

WorksheetThumbnail.jpg Multiply Multi-Digit Numbers

Worksheet: Multiplying Powers of 10, Worksheet 3

Worksheet: Multiplying Powers of 10, Worksheet 3

This is part of a collection of math worksheets on the topic of multiplying powers of 10.

WorksheetThumbnail.jpg Multiply Multi-Digit Numbers

Worksheet: Multiplying Powers of 10, Worksheet 4

Worksheet: Multiplying Powers of 10, Worksheet 4

This is part of a collection of math worksheets on the topic of multiplying powers of 10.

WorksheetThumbnail.jpg Multiply Multi-Digit Numbers

Worksheet: Multiplying Powers of 10, Worksheet 5

Worksheet: Multiplying Powers of 10, Worksheet 5

This is part of a collection of math worksheets on the topic of multiplying powers of 10.

WorksheetThumbnail.jpg Multiply Multi-Digit Numbers