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Princeton Review

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Linear Function Models

In this module students learn the properties of linear functions. They look at data sets, graphs of coordinates, and algebraic representations of functions. Then students go on a field trip to the US Mint to see how money is printed. From this they develop linear function models for calculating the number of bills printed, along with their dollar value.

Applications of Linear Functions: Temperature Conversion

Temperature is one of the most important measurements that we deal with on a daily basis. Weather, climate, food preparation, health, and other phenomena involve some type of temperature measure. The two most common units of temperature measure are Fahrenheit and Celsius. In this module, students learn about the linear function that converts from one system to the other.

Linear Functions: Distance vs. Time

In this lesson students apply their understanding of linear functions to an analysis of distance vs. time functions. In particular students will: Define the function for finding distance given a constant speed. Graph the distance function and interpret slope, y-intercept, domain, and range.