Digital Resources on the Topic of Fraction Basics

Fraction Basics

On this page you'll find a sampling of the many resources on Media4Math that focus on the topic of Fraction Basics. Media4Math is a digital library of over 15,000 resources on all key topics in K-12 math.

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Number of Resources: 596
Thumbnail Image Description

Math Clip Art--Pattern Blocks Design4

Math Clip Art--Pattern Blocks Design4 Math Clip Art--Pattern Blocks Design4

This is part of a collection of math clip art images that use pattern blocks.

Math Clip Art--Pattern Blocks Design5

Math Clip Art--Pattern Blocks Design5 Math Clip Art--Pattern Blocks Design5

This is part of a collection of math clip art images that use pattern blocks.

Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Five Eighths

MathClipArt--Fractions--PizzaSlices--FiveEighths.png Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Five Eighths

This collection of fractions models shows pizzas sliced into fourths, sixths, and eighths, with all combinations of fractions modeled.

Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Five Sixths

MathClipArt--Fractions--PizzaSlices--FiveSixths.png Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Five Sixths

This collection of fractions models shows pizzas sliced into fourths, sixths, and eighths, with all combinations of fractions modeled.

Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Four Eighths

MathClipArt--Fractions--PizzaSlices--FourEighths.png Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Four Eighths

This collection of fractions models shows pizzas sliced into fourths, sixths, and eighths, with all combinations of fractions modeled.

Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Four Sixths

MathClipArt--Fractions--PizzaSlices--FourSixths.png Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Four Sixths

This collection of fractions models shows pizzas sliced into fourths, sixths, and eighths, with all combinations of fractions modeled.

Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Full Eighths

MathClipArt--Fractions--PizzaSlices--FullEighths.png Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Full Eighths

This collection of fractions models shows pizzas sliced into fourths, sixths, and eighths, with all combinations of fractions modeled.

Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Full Fourths

MathClipArt--Fractions--PizzaSlices--FullFourths.png Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Full Fourths

This collection of fractions models shows pizzas sliced into fourths, sixths, and eighths, with all combinations of fractions modeled.

Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Full Sixths

MathClipArt--Fractions--PizzaSlices--FullSixths.png Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Full Sixths

This collection of fractions models shows pizzas sliced into fourths, sixths, and eighths, with all combinations of fractions modeled.

Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--One Eighth

MathClipArt--Fractions--PizzaSlices--OneEighth.png Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--One Eighth

This collection of fractions models shows pizzas sliced into fourths, sixths, and eighths, with all combinations of fractions modeled.

Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--One Fourth

MathClipArt--Fractions--PizzaSlices--OneFourth.png Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--One Fourth

This collection of fractions models shows pizzas sliced into fourths, sixths, and eighths, with all combinations of fractions modeled.

Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--One Sixth

MathClipArt--Fractions--PizzaSlices--OneSixth.png Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--One Sixth

This collection of fractions models shows pizzas sliced into fourths, sixths, and eighths, with all combinations of fractions modeled.

Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Seven Eighths

MathClipArt--Fractions--PizzaSlices--SevenEighths.png Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Seven Eighths

This collection of fractions models shows pizzas sliced into fourths, sixths, and eighths, with all combinations of fractions modeled.

Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Six Eighths

MathClipArt--Fractions--PizzaSlices--SixEighths.png Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Six Eighths

This collection of fractions models shows pizzas sliced into fourths, sixths, and eighths, with all combinations of fractions modeled.

Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Three Eighths

MathClipArt--Fractions--PizzaSlices--ThreeEighths.png Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Three Eighths

This collection of fractions models shows pizzas sliced into fourths, sixths, and eighths, with all combinations of fractions modeled.

Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Three Fourths

MathClipArt--Fractions--PizzaSlices--ThreeFourths.png Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Three Fourths

This collection of fractions models shows pizzas sliced into fourths, sixths, and eighths, with all combinations of fractions modeled.

Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Three Sixths

MathClipArt--Fractions--PizzaSlices--ThreeSixths.png Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Three Sixths

This collection of fractions models shows pizzas sliced into fourths, sixths, and eighths, with all combinations of fractions modeled.

Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Two Eighths

MathClipArt--Fractions--PizzaSlices--TwoEighths.png Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Two Eighths

This collection of fractions models shows pizzas sliced into fourths, sixths, and eighths, with all combinations of fractions modeled.

Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Two Fourths

MathClipArt--Fractions--PizzaSlices--TwoFourths.png Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Two Fourths

This collection of fractions models shows pizzas sliced into fourths, sixths, and eighths, with all combinations of fractions modeled.

Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Two Sixths

MathClipArt--Fractions--PizzaSlices--TwoSixths.png Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Two Sixths

This collection of fractions models shows pizzas sliced into fourths, sixths, and eighths, with all combinations of fractions modeled.

Math Example--Area and Perimeter--Rectangle Area with Fractions--Example 1

Math Example--Area and Perimeter--Rectangle Area with Fractions--Example 1 Math Example--Area and Perimeter--Rectangle Area with Fractions--Example 1

This is part of a collection of math examples that show how to area and perimeter for different geometric shapes.

Math Example--Area and Perimeter--Rectangle Area with Fractions--Example 2

Math Example--Area and Perimeter--Rectangle Area with Fractions--Example 2 Math Example--Area and Perimeter--Rectangle Area with Fractions--Example 2

This is part of a collection of math examples that show how to area and perimeter for different geometric shapes.

Math Example--Area and Perimeter--Rectangle Area with Fractions--Example 3

Math Example--Area and Perimeter--Rectangle Area with Fractions--Example 3 Math Example--Area and Perimeter--Rectangle Area with Fractions--Example 3

This is part of a collection of math examples that show how to area and perimeter for different geometric shapes.

Math Example--Area and Perimeter--Rectangle Area with Fractions--Example 4

Math Example--Area and Perimeter--Rectangle Area with Fractions--Example 4 Math Example--Area and Perimeter--Rectangle Area with Fractions--Example 4

This is part of a collection of math examples that show how to area and perimeter for different geometric shapes.

Math Example--Area and Perimeter--Rectangle Area with Fractions--Example 5

Math Example--Area and Perimeter--Rectangle Area with Fractions--Example 5 Math Example--Area and Perimeter--Rectangle Area with Fractions--Example 5

This is part of a collection of math examples that show how to area and perimeter for different geometric shapes.