Princeton Review


These are the resources that support this NYS Standard.

NY-AI-A.CED.3: Represent constraints by equations or inequalities, and by systems of equations and/or inequalities, and interpret solutions as viable or non-viable options in a modeling context.

There are 12 resources.
Title Description Thumbnail Image Curriculum Topics

Math Tutorials Collection: Applications of Linear Functions

Overview This collection aggregates a set of tutorials on Applications of Linear Functions. There are a total of 10 tutorials. Math Tutorials Applications of Linear Functions and Proportions

Instructional Resource: Applications of Linear Functions: Circumference vs. Diameter

In this Slide Show, apply concepts of linear functions to the context of circumference vs. diameter.

Note: The download is a PPT file.

Related Resources To see the complete collection of Tutorials on this topic, click on this link:
PowerPointPresentations.jpg Applications of Linear Functions

Instructional Resource: Applications of Linear Functions: Cost vs. Time

In this Slide Show, apply concepts of linear functions to the context of cost vs. time data and graphs.

Note: The download is a PPT file.

Related Resources To see the complete collection of Tutorials on this topic, click on this link:
PowerPointPresentations.jpg Applications of Linear Functions

Instructional Resource: Applications of Linear Functions: Cricket Chirps

In this Slide Show, apply concepts of linear functions to the context of cricket chirps.

Note: The download is a PPT file.

Related Resources To see the complete collection of Tutorials on this topic, click on this link:
PowerPointPresentations.jpg Applications of Linear Functions

Instructional Resource: Applications of Linear Functions: Distance vs. Time

In this Slide Show, apply concepts of linear functions to the context of distance vs. time data and graphs.

Note: The download is a PPT file.

Related Resources To see the complete collection of Tutorials on this topic, click on this link:
PowerPointPresentations.jpg Applications of Linear Functions

Instructional Resource: Applications of Linear Functions: Hooke's Law

In this Slide Show, apply concepts of linear functions to the context of Hooke's law.

Note: The download is a PPT file.

Related Resources To see the complete collection of Tutorials on this topic, click on this link:
PowerPointPresentations.jpg Applications of Linear Functions and Proportions

Instructional Resource: Applications of Linear Functions: Momentum and Impulse

In this Slide Show, apply concepts of linear functions to the context of momentum and impulse.

Note: The download is a PPT file.

Related Resources To see the complete collection of Tutorials on this topic, click on this link:
PowerPointPresentations.jpg Applications of Linear Functions

Instructional Resource: Applications of Linear Functions: Perimeter of a Rectangle

In this Slide Show, apply concepts of linear functions to the context of rectangular perimeter.

Note: The download is a PPT file.

Related Resources To see the complete collection of Tutorials on this topic, click on this link:
PowerPointPresentations.jpg Applications of Linear Functions

Instructional Resource: Applications of Linear Functions: Saving Money

In this Slide Show, apply concepts of linear functions to the context of saving money.

Note: The download is a PPT file.

Related Resources To see the complete collection of Tutorials on this topic, click on this link:
PowerPointPresentations.jpg Applications of Linear Functions

Instructional Resource: Applications of Linear Functions: Speed and acceleration

In this Slide Show, apply concepts of linear functions to the context of speed and acceleration.

Note: The download is a PPT file.

Related Resources To see the complete collection of Tutorials on this topic, click on this link:
PowerPointPresentations.jpg Applications of Linear Functions

Instructional Resource: Applications of Linear Functions: Temperature Conversion

In this Slide Show, apply concepts of linear functions to the context of converting Celsius and Fahrenheit temperatures.

Note: The download is a PPT file.

Related Resources To see the complete collection of Tutorials on this topic, click on this link:
PowerPointPresentations.jpg Applications of Linear Functions

Math in the News: Issue 108--Star Wars

Math in the News: Issue 108--Star Wars: The Box Office Awakens!

January 2016. In this issue of Math in the News we explore the dramatic box office returns of Star Wars: The Force Awakens. It provides an excellent opportunity to apply concepts of linear systems.

Math in the News: Issue 108--Star Wars: The Box Office Awakens! Applications of Linear Systems and Data Analysis