These are the resources that support this NYS Standard.

NY-6.NS.7d: Distinguish comparisons of absolute value from statements about order. For example, recognize that an account balance less than –30 dollars represents a debt greater than 30 dollars.

There are 22 resources.
Title Description Thumbnail Image Curriculum Topics

Math Video Collection: Video Tutorials Series: Rational Numbers

This collection aggregates all the math videos and resources in this series: Video Tutorials Series: Rational Numbers. There are a total of 39 resources. Math Videos Rational Expressions

Math Video Collection: Video Tutorials Series: Integers

This collection aggregates all the math videos and resources in this series: Integers. There are a total of 36 resources. Math Videos Numerical Expressions

Math Examples Collection: Comparing Absolute Values

This collection aggregates all the math examples around the topic of Comparing Absolute Values. There are a total of 9 Math Examples. Math Examples Numerical Expressions

Closed Captioned Video: Integers: Integers and Absolute Value

Closed Captioned Video: Integers: Integers and Absolute Value

Video Tutorial: Integers: Integers and Absolute Value. In this video students continue their exploration of integers by investigating absolute value.

Closed Captioned Video: Integers: Integers and Absolute Value Numerical Expressions

Closed Captioned Video: Rational Numbers: Rational Numbers and Absolute Value

Closed Captioned Video: Rational Numbers: Rational Numbers and Absolute Value

This is part of a collection of video tutorials on the topic of Rational Numbers. This includes defining rational numbers, rational number operations, comparing and ordering rational numbers, and applications of rational numbers.

Closed Captioned Video: Rational Numbers: Rational Numbers and Absolute Value Rational Expressions

Definition--Absolute Value

Definition--Absolute Value

This is part of a collection of math definitions from Media4Math's Visual Glossary.

Definition--AbsoluteValue.jpg Numerical Expressions

Definition--Absolute Value Function

Definition--Absolute Value Function

This is part of a collection of math definitions from Media4Math's Visual Glossary.

Definition--AbsoluteValueFunctions.jpg Special Functions


MATH EXAMPLES--Absolute Value

The complete set of 21 examples that make up this set of tutorials. NOTE: The download is a PPT file.

MATH EXAMPLES--Absolute Value Special Functions


MATH EXAMPLES--Absolute Value Functions in Tabular and Graph Form

This set of tutorials provides 40 examples of absolute value functions in tabular and graph form. NOTE: The download is a PPT file.

MATH EXAMPLES--Absolute Value Functions in Tabular and Graph Form Special Functions

Math Example: Comparing Absolute Values--Example 1

Math Example: Comparing Absolute Values--Example 1

This is part of a collection of math examples that focus on comparing absolute values.

Math Example: Comparing Absolute Values--Example 1 Numerical Expressions

Math Example: Comparing Absolute Values--Example 2

Math Example: Comparing Absolute Values--Example 2

This is part of a collection of math examples that focus on comparing absolute values.

Math Example: Comparing Absolute Values--Example 2 Numerical Expressions

Math Example: Comparing Absolute Values--Example 3

Math Example: Comparing Absolute Values--Example 3

This is part of a collection of math examples that focus on comparing absolute values.

Math Example: Comparing Absolute Values--Example 3 Numerical Expressions

Math Example: Comparing Absolute Values--Example 4

Math Example: Comparing Absolute Values--Example 4

This is part of a collection of math examples that focus on comparing absolute values.

Math Example: Comparing Absolute Values--Example 4 Numerical Expressions

Math Example: Comparing Absolute Values--Example 5

Math Example: Comparing Absolute Values--Example 5

This is part of a collection of math examples that focus on comparing absolute values.

Math Example: Comparing Absolute Values--Example 5 Numerical Expressions

Math Example: Comparing Absolute Values--Example 6

Math Example: Comparing Absolute Values--Example 6

This is part of a collection of math examples that focus on comparing absolute values.

Math Example: Comparing Absolute Values--Example 6 Numerical Expressions

Math Example: Comparing Absolute Values--Example 7

Math Example: Comparing Absolute Values--Example 7

This is part of a collection of math examples that focus on comparing absolute values.

Math Example: Comparing Absolute Values--Example 7 Numerical Expressions

Math Example: Comparing Absolute Values--Example 8

Math Example: Comparing Absolute Values--Example 8

This is part of a collection of math examples that focus on comparing absolute values.

Math Example: Comparing Absolute Values--Example 8 Numerical Expressions

Math Example: Comparing Absolute Values--Example 9

Math Example: Comparing Absolute Values--Example 9

This is part of a collection of math examples that focus on comparing absolute values.

Math Example: Comparing Absolute Values--Example 9 Numerical Expressions

Video Transcript: Integers: Integers and Absolute Value

Video Transcript: Integers: Integers and Absolute Value

This is the transcript that goes with the video segment entitled Video: Integers: Integers and Absolute Value.

Video Transcript: Integers: Integers and Absolute Value Numerical Expressions

Video Transcript: Rational Numbers: Rational Numbers and Absolute Value

Video Transcript: Rational Numbers: Rational Numbers and Absolute Value

This is the transcript that goes with the video segment entitled Video Tutorial: Rational Numbers: Rational Numbers and Absolute Value.

Video Transcript: Rational Numbers: Rational Numbers and Absolute Value Rational Expressions

Video Tutorial: Integers, Video 3

Video Tutorial: Integers, Video 3

VideoTutorial--IntegersTutorialVideoThumbnail03.jpg Numerical Expressions

Video Tutorial: Rational Numbers: Video 4

Video Tutorial: Rational Numbers: Video 4

VideoTutorial--RationalNumbersVideoThumbnail04.jpg Rational Expressions