Teaching Tech: Streamlining Education with 7 AI Tools

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Teaching Tech: Streamlining Education with 7 AI Tools

AI tools help teachers spend 70% less time grading assignments. The integration of AI in education benefits both teachers and students. Today, around 60% of teachers use AI in the classroom.

How to Implement a Flipped Math Classroom: A Step-by-Step Guide

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How to Implement a Flipped Math Classroom: A Step-by-Step Guide 

What Is a Flipped Math Classroom? 

In your quest for innovative teaching methods, you might have come across the concept of a flipped classroom. Essentially, this approach turns the traditional classroom setup on its head. Instead of learning new concepts in class and practicing them at home, your students learn new math concepts at home and practice them in class. This method offers a more active and personalized learning experience. 

Professional Learning: How to Create Instructional Videos with QuickTime

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How to Create Instructional Videos with QuickTime

This video walks you through the process of using QuickTime on a Mac to quickly and easily record video captures. QuickTime is a free resource available for both Mac and Windows. It has a video capture capability that makes it simple to capture your computer screen.

The example shown is from Desmos. In the video we walk you through creating a simple video tutorial using the Desmos graphing calculator.

Applications of Linear Functions: Circumference vs. Diameter

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Direct Variation: Circumference vs. Diameter

A simple application of linear functions involves the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. Students are familiar with the irrational number π, but many may not know where the number comes from.

A Simple Application of Linear Functions: Hooke’s Law

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Linear Functions and Hooke's Law

A simple application of linear functions is Hooke’s Law, which involves a physics application. The reason Hooke’s Law is a simpler application to start with is because it is a direct variation of the form

f(x) = kx

Graphs of these types of functions cross the origin and in teaching about the slope-intercept form, it’s always easier to start with a y-intercept of zero.

Kindergarten Math Made Fun: 13 Exciting Learning Activities

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From Counting to Creativity: 13 Engaging Math Activities for Kindergarteners

Do you remember the first time you counted your fingers, giggling with excitement? Or when you played with building blocks, making towers that reached the sky? That's where math begins, in the everyday moments of childhood.

Using Google Classroom with Media4Math Resources

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Media4Math resources can easily be added to your GoogleClassroom account. In this Blog post we’ll show you how to do it. Let’s start with Media4Math Library.

Using Media4Math Library

Every one of our Media4Math Library content resources includes a GoogleClassroom link. You’ll find the button here.