Digital Resources on the Topic of Probability & Statistics


On this page you'll find a sampling of the many resources on Media4Math that focus on the topic of Probability & Statistics. Media4Math is a digital library of over 15,000 resources on all key topics in K-12 math.

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Number of Resources: 997
Thumbnail Image Description

Math Worksheet Collection: Data Analysis: Mean, Median, and Mode

Math Worksheets

Math Worksheet Collection: Data Analysis: Mean, Median, and Mode

This collection aggregates all the math worksheets around the topic of Data Analysis: Mean, Median, and Mode. There are a total of 60 worksheets.

Apple Harvest

Apple Harvest Description

In this module students analyze real-world data relating to apple production and consumption. Looking at global and US data, students look at measures of central tendency by analyzing a box-and-whisker plot and later normal distribution graphs.

Math topics covered include:

Math Examples Collection: Weighted Mean

Math Examples This collection aggregates all the math examples around the topic of Weighted Mean. There are a total of 9 images.

Math Examples Collection: The Mean of Data Sets with Negative Numbers

Math Examples OvervieThis collection aggregates all the math examples around the topic of the Mean of Data Sets with Negative Numbers. There are a total of 10 images.

Math Video Collection: Texas Instruments Tutorial Videos

Math Videos Overview This colleThis collection aggregates all the math videos and resources in this series: Texas Instruments Tutorial Videos. There are a total of 266 resources.

Math Video Collection: Video Tutorials Series: Measures of Central Tendency

Math Videos Overview This coThis collection aggregates all the math videos and resources in this series: Video Tutorials Series: Measures of Central Tendency. There are a total of 24 resources.

Math Video Collection: Algebra Applications Video Series: Data Analysis

Math Videos OvervThis collection aggregates all the math videos and resources in this series: Algebra Applications Video Series: Data Analysis. There are a total of 26 resources.

Math Clip Art Collection: Two-Way Frequency Tables

Math Clip Art This collection aggregates all the math clip art around the topic of Two-Way Frequency Tables. There are a total of 6 images.

Math Clip Art Collection: Statistics

Math Clip Art Overview This colleThis collection aggregates all the math clip art around the topic of Statistics. There are a total of 55 images.

Math Clip Art Collection: Spinners

Math Clip Art OverviThis collection aggregates all the math clip art around the topic of Spinners. There are a total of 64 images.

Math Clip Art Collection: Probability Distributions

Math Clip Art This collection aggregates all the math clip art around the topic of Probability Distributions. There are a total of 12 images.

Math Clip Art Collection: Playing Cards

Math Clip Art This collection aggregates all the math clip art around the topic of Playing Cards. There are a total of 52 images.

Math Clip Art Collection: Dice and Number Models

Math Clip Art This collection aggregates all the math clip art around the topic of Dice and Number Models. There are a total of 28 images.

Math Examples Collection: Analyzing Scatterplots

Math Examples This collection aggregates all the math examples around the topic of Analyzing Scatterplots. There are a total of 10 Math Examples.

Math Worksheet Collection: Data Analysis

Math Worksheets This collection aggregates all the math worksheets around the topic of Data Analysis. There are a total of 9 worksheets.

Math Examples Collection: Range

Math Examples Overview This collection aggregates all the math examples around the topic of Range. There are a total of 26 Math Examples.

Math Examples Collection: Probability with Permutations and Combinations

Math Examples This collection aggregates all the math examples around the topic of Probabilities Involving Permutations and Combinations. There are a total of 6 Math Examples.

Math Examples Collection: Probability of Conditional Events

Math Examples This collection aggregates all the math examples around the topic of the Probability of Conditional Events. There are a total of 6 Math Examples.

Math Examples Collection: Probability

Math Examples Overview This collection aggregates all the math examples around the topic of Probability. There are a total of 28 Math Examples.

Math Examples Collection: The Mode

Math Examples Overview This collection aggregates all the math examples around the topic of the Mode. There are a total of 78 Math Examples.

Math Examples Collection: The Median

Math Examples Overview This collection aggregates all the math examples around the topic of the Median. There are a total of 40 Math Examples.

Math Examples Collection: The Mean

Math Examples OverviewThis collection aggregates all the math examples around the topic of the Mean. There are a total of 42 Math Examples.

Math Examples Collection: Linear Data Models

Math Examples Overview This collThis collection aggregates all the math examples around the topic of Linear Data Models. There are a total of 4 Math Examples.

Math Examples Collection: Graphs From Categorical Data

Math Examples OverviewThis collection aggregates all the math examples around the topic of Graphs of Categorical Data. There are a total of 6 Math Examples.

Math Examples Collection: Data Plots

Math Examples Overview This collection aggregates all the math examples around the topic of Data Plots. There are a total of 4 Math Examples.