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Video Transcript: Rational Numbers: Rational Numbers On a Number Line

Video Transcript: Rational Numbers: Rational Numbers On a Number Line

Distance Measures on a Number Line

A Brief Review of Number Lines

A number line is a horizontal line with equally spaced tic marks representing numbers.

An image of a number line.

You can use a number line to represent numbers on a number line.

An image of two numbers on a number line.

Distance on a Number Line

For any two numbers on a number line, you can find the distance between the two numbers.

An image of two numbers on a number line and the distance between them.

You can find the distance between the two numbers by subtracting.

Using subtraction to find the distance between two numbers on a number line.

Distance is always positive, so find the absolute value of the difference.

Finding the distance between two numbers on a number line.

This technique will also work with negative numbers.

Finding the distance between two numbers on a number line.

This is the transcript that goes with the video segment entitled Video Tutorial: Rational Numbers: Rational Numbers On a Number Line.

This is part of a collection of video transcripts for the video tutorial series on Rational Numbers. To see the complete collection of transcripts, click on this link.

Note: The download is a PDF file.

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Grade Range 6 - 8
Curriculum Nodes Algebra
    • Rational Expressions and Functions
        • Rational Expressions
Copyright Year 2019
Keywords rational numbers, rational numbers video tutorials, video tutorials, distance on a number line