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Math Example--Math of Money--Analyzing Money--Example 5
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Math Example--Math of Money--Analyzing Money--Example 5
The Math of Money
The image shows three people involved in a transaction: A delivery person (A) is bringing goods to a grocery store, a customer (B) is purchasing groceries, and a cashier (C) is processing the sale. The example asks who is spending and making money. The solution explains that person A is delivering goods and making money from the delivery, person B is spending money to buy groceries, and person C is making money as a cashier.
The topic of The Math of Money explores practical ways in which math is used in everyday financial transactions. By using real-world scenarios, such as those depicted in these examples, students can connect mathematical concepts to their daily lives. This approach emphasizes the relevance of math beyond the classroom and helps foster a deeper understanding of financial literacy.
Seeing multiple worked-out examples is crucial for students to fully grasp a concept. These examples demonstrate different contexts and applications, providing a comprehensive understanding and reinforcing learning through variety. This methodology is particularly effective in building confidence and competency in problem-solving skills.
Teacher Script: "Look at this example. Notice how the scenario asks who is spending and making money. The solution explains that person A is delivering goods and making money from the delivery, person B is spending money to buy groceries, and person C is making money as a cashier. Also, the store owner (not shown) is making money from the grocieries sold. This helps us understand how money flows in different situations. How might you describe what's happening here using mathematical terms? Let’s think about how we can apply this example to similar real-world problems."
For a complete collection of math examples related to The Math of Money click on this link: Math Examples: Analyzing Money Collection.
Common Core Standards | CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.4.MD.A.2, CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.6.NS.C.7.C |
Grade Range | 2 - 6 |
Curriculum Nodes |
Arithmetic • Measurement • Working with Money |
Copyright Year | 2020 |
Keywords | income , gifts , money, savings, math of money |