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INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Algebra Application: When Will Space Travel Be Affordable?

INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Algebra Application: When Will Space Travel Be Affordable?

In this Algebra Application, students examine the budding industry of commercial space travel. Using data from the Bureau of Transportation Statistics, students build a mathematical model from historical airfare data. This model is used to predict when commercial space travel will become affordable. This also includes a discussion of inflation-adjusted costs and the future value of money. Topics covered: Mathematical modeling, Linear regression, Exponential functions, The time value of money.

This is part of a collection of real world applications of algebra presented in GoogleDoc form. To see the complete collection of these resources, click on this link.

Note: The download is the PDF version of the GoogleDoc.

Library of Instructional Resources

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Grade Range 8 - 10
Curriculum Nodes Algebra
    • Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
        • Applications of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
    • Linear Functions and Equations
        • Applications of Linear Functions
    • Probability and Data Analysis
        • Data Analysis
Copyright Year 2021
Keywords scatterplot, linear regression, applications of exponential functions, applications of linear functions, inflation, time value of money