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Algebra Applications: Inequalities

VIDEO: Algebra Applications: Inequalities

In this episode of Algebra Applications, two real-world explorations of inequalities are developed. Hybrid Cars. An examination of the equations and inequalities that involve miles per gallon (mpg) for city and highway traffic reveals important information about hybrid cars and those with gasoline-powered engines. Floods in Venice. Venice experiences a great deal of flooding, and with the expected rise of sea levels over the next century, this ancient city is in peril. Through a series of inequalities, students analyze the impact of flooding.

This is part of a collection of videos from the Algebra Applications video series on the topic of Inequalities.

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Duration 22.72 minutes
Grade Range 6 - 10
Curriculum Nodes Algebra
    • Expressions, Equations, and Inequalities
        • Applications of Equations and Inequalities
        • Inequalities
Copyright Year 2011
Keywords algebra, inequalities, linear inequalities