Digital Resources on the Topic of Equivalent Fractions

Equivalent Fractions

On this page you'll find a sampling of the many resources on Media4Math that focus on the topic of Equivalent Fractions. Media4Math is a digital library of over 15,000 resources on all key topics in K-12 math.

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Number of Resources: 163
Thumbnail Image Description

Math Examples Collection: Generating Equivalent Fractions

Math Examples This collection aggregates all the math examples around the topic of Generating Equivalent Fractions. There are a total of 13 Math Examples.

What Are Equivalent Fractions?

What Are Equivalent Fractions? Description

The ability to identify equivalent fractions and the ability to generate such fractions are important skills for elementary students. In this module students are taught both skills using a variety of approaches. 

Math Clip Art Collection: Equivalent Fraction Models--Pizza Slices

Math Clip Art This collection of math clip art on Equivalent Fractions shows pizzas sliced into different slice sizes used to model fractions and equivalent fractions.

Quizlet Flash Card Collection: Fraction Basics

Quizlet Flash Cards This is a collection of Quizlet Flash Cards on the topic of Fraction Basics. There are a total of 6 Quizlet Flash Card sets.

Math Clip Art Collection: Equivalent Fractions

Math Clip Art This collection aggregates all the math clip art around the topic of Equivalent Fractions. There are a total of 15 images.

Quizlet Flash Card Collection: Fraction Operations

Quizlet Flash Cards This is a collection of Quizlet Flash Cards on the topic of Fractions. There are 255 Quizlet Flash Card sets.

Math Worksheet Collection: Fraction Concepts (Grades 3-5)

Math Worksheets This collection aggregates all the math worksheets around the topic of Fraction Concepts. There are a total of 8 worksheets.

Math Examples Collection: Simplifying Fractions

Math Examples This collection aggregates all the math examples around the topic of Simplifying Fractions. There are a total of 19 images.

Collections in a Box: Fractions

Collections in a Box

This cheat sheet gathers together a number of resources on the topic of fractions. See the descriptions and links below. Each link takes you to a collection of resources around that topic. The middle column indicates the number of resources available and the third column takes you to page on Media4Math where those resources can be found.

INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Simplifying Fractions Using Number Lines

INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Simplifying Fractions Using Number Lines INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Simplifying Fractions Using Number Lines

In this tutorial students are shown how to use number lines to not only find equivalent fractions but also to write fractions in simplest form.

INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Comparing Fractions Using Equivalent Fractions

INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Comparing Fractions Using Equivalent Fractions INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Comparing Fractions Using Equivalent Fractions

Learn how to compare fractions by generating equivalent fractions. Different cases are analyzed and study tips are provided. Note: The download is a PDF file. Only Media4Math subscribers can download resources.

INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Generating Equivalent Fractions Mathematically

INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Generating Equivalent Fractions Mathematically INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Generating Equivalent Fractions Mathematically

Learn how to generate equivalent fractions computationally. Note: The download is a PDF file.

INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Generating Equivalent Fractions Visually

INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Generating Equivalent Fractions Visually INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Generating Equivalent Fractions Visually

Learn how to generative equivalent fractions using visual tools. Note: The download is a PDF file.

INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Simplifying Fractions Using the GCF

INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Simplifying Fractions Using the GCF INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Simplifying Fractions Using the GCF

In this tutorial students are shown how to find the GCF of the numerator and denominator and how to use it to simplify a fraction. Note: The download is a PDF version of this tutorial.

INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Strategies for Ordering Fractions

INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Strategies for Ordering Fractions INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Strategies for Ordering Fractions

Learn various strategies for ordering fractions. These strategies include benchmark fractions, number lines, and equivalent fractions. Note: The download is a PDF file.

INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Visual Models of Equivalent Fractions

INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Visual Models of Equivalent Fractions INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Visual Models of Equivalent Fractions

Learn how to model equivalent fractions using visual tools. Note: The download is a PDF file.

INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: What Is an Equivalent Fraction?

INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: What Is an Equivalent Fraction? INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: What Is an Equivalent Fraction?

Learn the basics of equivalent fractions. Students look at visual models of equivalent fractions. Students are also shown how to determine if any two given fractions are equivalent. Note: The download is a PDF file.

Interactive Math Game--Fishing for Fractions

Interactive Math Game--Fishing for Fractions Interactive Math Game--Fishing for Fractions

Use this math game to review Equivalent Fractions. Students catch fish by identifying equivalent fractions. This game covers equivalents to the unit fractions, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5, 1/6, 1/7, and 1/8.

Interactive Math Game: Math Riddles--Equivalent Fractions

Interactive Math Game, Math Riddles—Equivalent Fractions Interactive Math Game: Math Riddles—Equivalent Fractions

In this Math Riddles Game, have your students review vocabulary around the topic of equivalent fractions. The Math Riddles games are useful for practicing: Math Vocabulary, Key Concepts, Critical Thinking.

Math Clip Art Booklet: Fraction Bar Templates

Math Clip Art Fraction Bars Toolkit: Visual Strategies for Fraction Mastery

Looking for an engaging way to teach fractions in your elementary classroom? Our Fraction Bars Booklet is the ultimate resource to make fraction learning fun, visual, and interactive.

Math Clip Art Booklet: Fraction Flowers

Math Clip Art Fraction Flowers: A Hands-On Approach to Teaching Fractions

Make teaching fractions fun and interactive with Fraction Flowers: Creative Fraction Representation. This engaging resource is perfect for elementary teachers seeking innovative ways to bring fractions to life in the classroom.

Math Clip Art Booklet: Fraction Number Lines

Math Clip Art Number Lines for Fractions: Plotting and ComparingTeach Fractions Visually with Number Lines

Help your students master fractions with Number Lines for Fractions: Plotting and Comparing, a comprehensive resource for teaching fractions using number lines.

Math Clip Art Booklet: Pizza Fractions

Math Clip Art Discover the Power of Pizza Fractions: A Hands-On Guide for Elementary Math Teachers 

Engage your students with this exciting, hands-on resource for teaching fractions using pizza models.

Math Clip Art--Equivalent Fractions Pizza Slices--Five Eighths A

Math Clip Art--Equivalent Fractions Pizza Slices--Five Eighths A Math Clip Art--Equivalent Fractions Pizza Slices--Five Eighths A



Math Clip Art--Equivalent Fractions Pizza Slices--Five Eighths B

Math Clip Art--Equivalent Fractions Pizza Slices--Five Eighths B Math Clip Art--Equivalent Fractions Pizza Slices--Five Eighths B

