Princeton Review

Student Tutorials

Student Tutorials


Self-Paced Student Tutorials


This is the complete collection of Student Tutorials organized into individual subcollections. These Student Tutorials provide a quick review of key topics in math.

Title Description Topic

Student Tutorial: Solving a Linear System Using the Elimination Method

Study this tutorial on solving a system using the elimination method.

Systems of Equations

Student Tutorial: Solving a Linear System Using the Graphing Method

Study these examples of solving linear systems by graphing.

Systems of Equations

Student Tutorial: Solving One-Variable Inequalities

Study these examples about how to solve a one-variable inequality.


Student Tutorial: The Laws of Exponents

Study this tutorial on the Laws of Exponents.


Student Tutorial: Examples Using the Laws of Exponents

Study these examples of using the Laws of Exponents.


Student Tutorial: Compound Interest

Study these examples of calculating compound interest.
