


These are the resources that support this NYS Standard.

NY-AII-N.CN.1: Know there is a complex number i such that i2 = –1, and every complex number has the form a + bi with a and b real.

There are 43 resources.
Title Description Thumbnail Image Curriculum Topics

Math Examples Collection: Complex Numbers

This collection aggregates all the math examples around the topic of Complex Numbers. There are a total of 38 images. This collection of resources is made up of downloadable PNG files that you can easily incorporate into a presentation. Complex Numbers Numerical and Algebraic Expressions

SAT Math Prep--Complex Numbers


Media4Math Classroom's SAT Math Prep series provide a thorough review of key math topics covered on the SAT. These modules review the key skills that are tested on the SAT with a two-pronged approach:

Numerical Expressions

Math Examples Collection: Multiplying and Dividing Complex Numbers

This collection aggregates all the math examples around the topic of Multiplying and Dividing Complex Numbers. There are a total of 12 Math Examples. Math Examples Numerical and Algebraic Expressions

Math Examples Collection: Adding and Subtracting Complex Numbers

This collection aggregates all the math examples around the topic of Adding and Subtracting Complex Numbers. Math Examples Numerical and Algebraic Expressions

Definition--Complex Conjugate

Definition--Complex Conjugate

This is part of a collection of math definitions from Media4Math's Visual Glossary.

Definition--ComplexConjugate.jpg Numerical Expressions and Variable Expressions

Definition--Complex Number

Definition--Complex Number

This is part of a collection of math definitions from Media4Math's Visual Glossary.

Definition--ComplexNumber.jpg Numerical Expressions and Variable Expressions

Definition--Imaginary Number

Definition--Imaginary Number

This is part of a collection of images that cover key vocabulary on a variety of math topics.

Definition--ImaginaryNumber.jpg Numerical Expressions and Variable Expressions

INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Adding and Subtracting Complex Numbers

INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Adding and Subtracting Complex Numbers

This slide show shows several worked-out examples that show how to add and subtract complex numbers.

INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Adding and Subtracting Complex Numbers Numerical and Algebraic Expressions

INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Multiplying and Dividing Complex Numbers

INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Multiplying and Dividing Complex Numbers

This slide show shows several worked-out examples that show how to multiply and divide complex numbers.

INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Multiplying and Dividing Complex Numbers Numerical and Algebraic Expressions

INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Plotting Complex Numbers

INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Plotting Complex Numbers

This slide show several worked-out examples of graphs of complex numbers.

INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Plotting Complex Numbers Numerical and Algebraic Expressions

INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Comparing Complex Numbers

INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Comparing Complex Numbers

This slide show covers comparing complex numbers. Specifically, it covers these topics: How to write and interpret complex numbers; definition the modulus of a complex number; analyze the circular behavior of complex numbers.

INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Comparing Complex Numbers Numerical and Algebraic Expressions

INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: What Are Imaginary Numbers?

INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: What Are Imaginary Numbers?

This is a Slide Show presentation on imaginary numbers. Note: The download is a PPT.

What Are Imaginary Numbers? Numerical Expressions

INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: What Are Complex Numbers?

INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: What Are Complex Numbers?

This slide show covers the basics of complex numbers. Specifically, it covers these topics: Define complex numbers; examine the properties of complex numbers; represent complex numbers graphically.

INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: What Are Complex Numbers? Numerical and Algebraic Expressions

Math Example--Complex Numbers--Adding and Subtracting Complex Numbers--Example 1

Math Example--Complex Numbers--Adding and Subtracting Complex Numbers--Example 1

Math Example--Complex Numbers--Adding and Subtracting Complex Numbers--Example 1 Numerical and Algebraic Expressions

Math Example--Complex Numbers--Adding and Subtracting Complex Numbers--Example 10

Math Example--Complex Numbers--Adding and Subtracting Complex Numbers--Example 10

Math Example--Complex Numbers--Adding and Subtracting Complex Numbers--Example 10 Numerical and Algebraic Expressions

Math Example--Complex Numbers--Adding and Subtracting Complex Numbers--Example 11

Math Example--Complex Numbers--Adding and Subtracting Complex Numbers--Example 11

Math Example--Complex Numbers--Adding and Subtracting Complex Numbers--Example 11 Numerical and Algebraic Expressions

Math Example--Complex Numbers--Adding and Subtracting Complex Numbers--Example 12

Math Example--Complex Numbers--Adding and Subtracting Complex Numbers--Example 12

Math Example--Complex Numbers--Adding and Subtracting Complex Numbers--Example 12 Numerical and Algebraic Expressions

Math Example--Complex Numbers--Adding and Subtracting Complex Numbers--Example 13

Math Example--Complex Numbers--Adding and Subtracting Complex Numbers--Example 13

Math Example--Complex Numbers--Adding and Subtracting Complex Numbers--Example 13 Numerical and Algebraic Expressions

Math Example--Complex Numbers--Adding and Subtracting Complex Numbers--Example 14

Math Example--Complex Numbers--Adding and Subtracting Complex Numbers--Example 14

Math Example--Complex Numbers--Adding and Subtracting Complex Numbers--Example 14 Numerical and Algebraic Expressions

Math Example--Complex Numbers--Adding and Subtracting Complex Numbers--Example 2

Math Example--Complex Numbers--Adding and Subtracting Complex Numbers--Example 2

Math Example--Complex Numbers--Adding and Subtracting Complex Numbers--Example 2 Numerical and Algebraic Expressions

Math Example--Complex Numbers--Adding and Subtracting Complex Numbers--Example 3

Math Example--Complex Numbers--Adding and Subtracting Complex Numbers--Example 3

Math Example--Complex Numbers--Adding and Subtracting Complex Numbers--Example 3 Numerical and Algebraic Expressions

Math Example--Complex Numbers--Adding and Subtracting Complex Numbers--Example 4

Math Example--Complex Numbers--Adding and Subtracting Complex Numbers--Example 4

Math Example--Complex Numbers--Adding and Subtracting Complex Numbers--Example 4 Numerical and Algebraic Expressions

Math Example--Complex Numbers--Adding and Subtracting Complex Numbers--Example 5

Math Example--Complex Numbers--Adding and Subtracting Complex Numbers--Example 5

Math Example--Complex Numbers--Adding and Subtracting Complex Numbers--Example 5 Numerical and Algebraic Expressions

Math Example--Complex Numbers--Adding and Subtracting Complex Numbers--Example 6

Math Example--Complex Numbers--Adding and Subtracting Complex Numbers--Example 6

Math Example--Complex Numbers--Adding and Subtracting Complex Numbers--Example 6 Numerical and Algebraic Expressions

Math Example--Complex Numbers--Adding and Subtracting Complex Numbers--Example 7

Math Example--Complex Numbers--Adding and Subtracting Complex Numbers--Example 7

Math Example--Complex Numbers--Adding and Subtracting Complex Numbers--Example 7 Numerical and Algebraic Expressions