These are the resources that support this NYS Standard.

NY-7.RP.2b: Identify the constant of proportionality (unit rate) in tables, graphs, equations, diagrams, and verbal descriptions of proportional relationships.

There are 54 resources.
Title Description Thumbnail Image Curriculum Topics

Video Transcript: Ratios and Proportions: What Are Proportions?

Video Transcript: Ratios and Proportions: What Are Proportions?

This is the transcript that goes with the video segment entitled Video Tutorial: Ratios and Proportions: What Are Proportions?

Video Transcript: Ratios and Proportions: What Are Proportions? Ratios and Rates

Video Tutorial: Ratios, Video 11

Video Tutorial: Ratios and Proportions: Solving Proportions

This is part of a collection of video tutorials on the topic of Ratios and Proportions. This series includes a complete overview of ratios, equivalent ratios, rates, unit rates, and proportions.

VideoTutorial--Ratios11Thumbnail.jpg Ratios and Rates

Video Tutorial: Ratios, Video 12

Video Tutorial: Ratios and Proportions: Scale Drawings

This is part of a collection of video tutorials on the topic of Ratios and Proportions. This series includes a complete overview of ratios, equivalent ratios, rates, unit rates, and proportions. The following section will provide additional background information for the complete series of videos.

VideoTutorial--Ratios12Thumbnail.jpg Ratios and Rates

Video Tutorial: Ratios, Video 10

Video Tutorial: Ratios and Proportions: What are Proportions?

This is part of a collection of video tutorials on the topic of Ratios and Proportions. This series includes a complete overview of ratios, equivalent ratios, rates, unit rates, and proportions.

VideoTutorial--Ratios10Thumbnail.jpg Ratios and Rates