Princeton Review


These are the resources that support this NYS Standard.

NY-4.NBT.1: Recognize that in a multi-digit whole number, a digit in one place represents ten times what it represents in the place to its right. For example, recognize that 700 ÷ 70 = 10 by applying concepts of place value and division.

There are 88 resources.
Title Description Thumbnail Image Curriculum Topics

Math Game Collection: Place Value

Overview This is a collection of games that focus on place value topics.  Math Games Place Value and Counting

Quizlet Flash Card Collection: Subtracting Multi-Digit Numbers

This is a collection of Quizlet Flash Cards on the topic of Subtracting Multi-Digit Numbers. There are a total of 5 Quizlet Flash Card sets. Quizlet Flash Cards Subtract Multiple-Digit Numbers

Quizlet Flash Card Collection: Multiply by 10 or 100

This is a collection of Quizlet Flash Cards on the topic of Multiplying by 10 or 100. There are a total of 5 Quizlet Flash Card sets. Quizlet Flash Cards Multiply by 10 and 100

Quizlet Flash Card Collection: Multiplication Facts to 10

This is a collection of Quizlet Flash Cards on the topic of Multiplication Facts to 10. There are a total of 5 Quizlet Flash Card sets.

Quizlet Flash Cards Multiplication Facts

Quizlet Flash Card Collection: Dividing by Multiples of 10

This is a collection of Quizlet Flash Cards on the topic of Dividing by Multiples of 10. There are a total of 5 Quizlet Flash Card sets. Quizlet Flash Cards Divide by Multiples of 10

Quizlet Flash Card Collection: Adding Multi-Digit Numbers

This is a collection of Quizlet Flash Cards on the topic of Adding Multi-Digit Numbers. There are a total of 5 Quizlet Flash Card sets.

Quizlet Flash Cards Add Multiple-Digit Numbers

Math Definitions Collection: Place Value

This collection aggregates all the definition image cards around the topic of Place Value vocabulary. There are a total of 48 terms. Place Value Collection Place Value and Rounding

Math Worksheet Collection: Adding with Place Value

This collection aggregates all the math worksheets around the topic of Adding with Place Value. There are a total of 10 worksheets. Math Worksheets Place Value

Collections in a Box: Place Value

This cheat sheet gathers together a number of resources on the topic of place value. See the descriptions and links below. Each link takes you to a collection of resources around that topic. The middle column indicates the number of resources available and the third column takes you to page on Media4Math where those resources can be found.

Collections in a Box Add and Subtract Decimals, Compare and Order Decimals, Multiply Decimals and Place Value

Definition--Place Value Concepts--Adding Using Place Value

Adding Using Place Value


Place Value

Definition--Place Value Concepts--Adding Using Place Value Place Value

Definition--Place Value Concepts--Base Ten Blocks

Base Ten Blocks


Place Value

Definition--Place Value Concepts--Base Ten Blocks Place Value

Definition--Place Value Concepts--Base Ten Number System

Base Ten Number System


Place Value

Definition--Place Value Concepts--Base Ten Number System Place Value

Definition--Place Value Concepts--Billions Place

Billions Place


Place Value

Definition--Place Value Concepts--Billions Place Place Value

Definition--Place Value Concepts--Comparing Numbers Using Place Value

Comparing Numbers Using Place Value


Place Value

Definition--Place Value Concepts--Comparing Numbers Using Place Value Place Value

Definition--Place Value Concepts--Decimal Number

Decimal Number


Place Value

Definition--Place Value Concepts--Decimal Number Place Value

Definition--Place Value Concepts--Decimal Point

Decimal Point


Place Value

Definition--Place Value Concepts--Decimal Point Place Value

Definition--Place Value Concepts--Decimal Square

Decimal Square


Place Value

Definition--Place Value Concepts--Decimal Square Place Value

Definition--Place Value Concepts--Digit



Place Value

Definition--Place Value Concepts--Digit Place Value

Definition--Place Value Concepts--Dividing Using Place Value

Dividing Using Place Value


Place Value

Definition--Place Value Concepts--Dividing Using Place Value Place Value

Definition--Place Value Concepts--Expanded Form

Expanded Form


Place Value

Definition--Place Value Concepts--Expanded Form Place Value

Definition--Place Value Concepts--Expanded Notation

Expanded Notation


Place Value

Definition--Place Value Concepts--Expanded Notation Place Value

Definition--Place Value Concepts--Expanded Notation with Powers of 10

Expanded Notation with Powers of 10


Place Value

Definition--Place Value Concepts--Expanded Notation with Powers of 10 Place Value

Definition--Place Value Concepts--Hundred Millions Place

Hundred Millions Place


Place Value

Definition--Place Value Concepts--Hundred Millions Place Place Value

Definition--Place Value Concepts--Hundred Thousands Place

Hundred Thousands Place


Place Value

Definition--Place Value Concepts--Hundred Thousands Place Place Value

Definition--Place Value Concepts--Hundred Thousandths Place

Hundred Thousandths Place


Place Value

Definition--Place Value Concepts--Hundred Thousandths Place Place Value